
Yo, yo,yo! So this is the mumble jumble of interests, rants and raves that are me. Friends and family are constantly asking for my advice when it comes to just about anything from tech to hair, to happy hours, so I thought I would start a blog and share my pebbles (not yet pearls…I’m only 25) of wisdom with you. While it may be true, I have terminally bad roots, I’m single and rent a room in a house where my passive-aggressive roommate never puts the toilet seat down…let it be said that I have Googled some good friends out of very bad home hair care situations, I’m livin’ the dream,  and I bet my outfit cost less than yours!

What’s up with the name, Party Like a Waitress right? Well some of the best times I’ve ever experienced were had in the days when I waited tables. The good ol’ days! The days when we were naturally thin, beer seemed to grow on trees, the biggest bill was rent at shit hole $300/month apartment and your earliest commitment was 11am (11:30 if you brought your manager Starbucks). Wait…that’s still my life, except for the naturally thin part. And now I have a “big girl” job, one that allows me to travel, write and meet some really amazing people. Mazel to me and my youth!

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