I’m Keepin’ My Miles Under the Mattress! -Hackers take to stealing frequent flier miles

21 Jul

1) Family
2) Friends
3) Miles
We hold them near and dear to our hearts. We go on ridiculous trips and sign up for credit cards we don’t need just to get miles. And now, they’re in danger. As if we don’t have enough to worry about with identity fraud, credit card fraud and bank fraud –now they’re going after our precious frequent flier miles.

The problem very recently sprung up in Brazil and is spreading rapidly. Companies are bracing themselves for the problem to jump all around the globe. Once the miles are obtained by these criminals, they are used as currency to trade for stolen credit cards.

The scam is mainly run via email. The jackasses will send an email promising a prize, or “double the points” to get you to enter your frequent flier information. Bam, they got ya. The problem is, the emails can look pretty legitimate. Here’s an article from Security News Daily on how to tell a phishing scam from a real email.

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