Viva Las Vegas -a poem about a very special trip to Vegas

20 Jun

It was just an idea, a simple thought
Next thing we knew the tickets were bought
Paid for with credit that neither could afford
All that mattered was the plane we would soon board
“Viva Las Vegas” was all we could say
And in a month we were on our way
“The trip of a lifetime” was given whole new meaning
And down the strip we were careening
We hit that town like it was a white bitch
In every bar we found our niche
In true Jamie style, when it was time to go
She proclaimed, “You ain’t gettin’ on that plane hoe!”
22 hours later the car trip came to an end
A ride home that left me with one less friend
See, WE went Vegas but I alone returned
Jamie saw time and money that must be burned
She soon fell in love with a handsome stunt man
This was not at all part of her plan
See that idea that came to us while sitting in the sun
Is now the reason her oven is home to a bun!
So next time you’re sitting by the pool with your friend
Keep in mind this advice I will lend
If someone should mention a vacay to The Strip
Please reread this poem and take a few tips
Wave at all stunt men and always miss your plane
And go with the friend that is the least sane
Strippers, motorcycles, and kangaroos are the things of which dreams are made…..

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